- 14 eggplants (2 white ones)
- 3 tomatoes (cherry tomatoes don't count)
- 26 English cucumbers (but I've lost count now)
- 2 lemon cucumbers
- 5 zucchinis
- 2 ears of corn (more to come)
- 6 very sad carrots
- sugar snap peas, snow peas and edamame
The garden beds are way over grown. I never thought I would be able to say that! I spent the evening thinning out the garden and wripping out mint. Mint comes back 10 fold, so I'm not afraid to pull it "all" out. It still finds its way back in. I gave as much mint and basil as I already could to my neighbors.

The cleome, cosmos and morning glories are really taking over. I keep cutting the morning glories back, but they come in thicker this year than last. I don't know why this year's cosmos are different from last years. This year, the stalks are as thick as my dahlias. Last year, they were as flimsy as a thread.

I trimmed the bottom stalks of the perilla plant and it grew into a large umbrella shape. It provides the herbs with shade which is great. They too, are much larger than they were last year. I should make some korean pancakes with them soon.
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