Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy Hump Day

It's rained and it's chilly! It's a good thing I haven't put out the summer seedlings yet. The cold weather crops are doing great!

Kale and peas. I harvested some kale for dinner last night. It was delicious!

Escarole - They are about 8" in diameter now with lots of leaves! The little 4 leaf seedlings next to them are zinnias.

Broccoli is getting really big. I noticed some holes in the leaves. I'm not sure what to do about them. I read I can use row covers. I might do that.

Radishes and lettuce.

Bok choy - They are starting to look like bok choy now.


My tomato and pepper plants inside the house are doing well. The tomatoes are really tall. The peppers are still slow, but they seem to be doing better since I gave them a larger pot. I'm sure the heat that we're getting this weekend will help.

1 comment:

Micah and Catherine said...

Wow!! We still haven't put down our garden. The weather has been so unpredictable here. I'm super jealous!