Raised bed - Things are really taking off. The tomatoes have flowers, but I haven't seen any fruit set yet. There are lots of pole beans which are delicious. The pickling cucumber vines are really taking off and could use a few more supports.

Upclose with one pickling cuc.

There are lots of little cucs. They are going to make great pickles!
My herb garden on the side of the house is looking so beautiful with the mix of salad greens, chamomile with their daisy-like flowers and the flirty red nasturtiums. As I have been harvesting the salad, I have been tucking in some basil I started from seed. I'm going to let everything go to seed this year, so it comes back next year.

The squash bed is overflowing with squash bushes. There are grape tomato and hollyhock seedlings that have emerged which I'll transplant over to the right of the squash bed. Along the edge, I tucked in a giant apricot cutting zinnia to give the area some color later in the summer.

Each plant has lots of little summer squash. They are so profilic!

In the flower garden, the asiatic lilies, day lilies and field lilies are blooming. So are the Achilles and the Phlox look like they are beginning to develop their flower heads.
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