Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Companion Planting

For the last few days, I have been sketching and doodling how I would like to set up my garden bed this year. It's been more difficult than I thought. The more I looked into each plant, the more difficult it was for me to decide where each plant would go and who it would with. Also, I had to consider spacing and direction of the sun.

After I drew a preliminary plan, I went back to check that none of the plants would "clash" or better yet, what plants would make good companions. This website has a great breakdown on companion planting.

From north to south:

Bed 1: Radishes > Cucumbers + Dill
Bed 2: Spinach > Eggplant + Chili peppers + Nasturtiums
Bed 3: Dahlias + Chard > Patty pan squash > Winter Kale
Bed 4: Bok choy + Carrots > Sweet peppers + Onions + Chamomile + Petunias + Parsley
Bed 5: Lettuce + Sugar snap peas + Snow peas > Roma, Persimmon, Black Krim, Grape Tomatoes + Basil + Cilantro + Zinnias + Marigolds

What do you think? Any suggestions? What are you doing? What works for you?

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