It was a warm, overcast day today which made it perfect for some garden maintenance. It seems consistantly warm enough to put all the summer plants out.

In the right raised bed where I was growing escarole, I have from back to front: Persimmon (left) and Grape (right) tomato plant, a sunflower, 4 Pickling cucumber plants, Dill and Cilantro, purple and pink Zinnias, 2 Pattypan squash plants, and Nasturtium seeds tucked in the corners of the front.
I put a "trellis" between the cucumber and tomato plants. I thought they could both benefit from the use of the support. Obviously, I planted the dill near the cucumbers for ease in harvesting both for salads. The zinnias are for color and attracting beneficial insects for pollination. The pattpan squash are going to explode out of the area I planted them, but I just wanted them there anyway. Hopefully, the zinnias will get tall enough before the squash stalks crush them.

Here is the "middle" bed where I planted my broccoli. Broccoli are really heavy feeders, so I added more humus before I planted the tomatoes to make sure there would be enough nutrients for the tomatoes. From back to front: 2 Persimmon, 2 Grape, 1 Black Krim, 1 Roma tomato plant. In between the tomato plants are Genovese and Bush basil, Arugula, Parsley and Nasturtium seeds tucked in the corners again. On the other side are the Pole Beans, more Swiss Chard (trying to get a pink one), 1 Broccoli and 2 Celery.
When the broccoli and celery are done, I'm going to plant more herbs and lettuce in their place. the tomato plants will provide shade as they get taller.

This is our newest addition. I dug this space to plant a Dogwood tree, but since I didn't find one I liked yet I am using it to plant my Yellow squash (which need 36"), and 2 extra tomato plants (Black Krim and Roma). There is a bald spot on the right of this (not shown) that I was thinking of planting a cutting garden bed (flowers that are good for arrangements).
Against the wall, I planted all my Dahlias that I brought in for the winter. There are maybe 6 "plants" with tons of tubers. I forgot to put the tubers in a paper bag with peat moss, so who knows if they will come back. Also, I found a bag of bulbs. I can't remember what they are, but I planted them too. They probably won't bloom this year.
Since I ran out of room in the raised beds, I'm going to start some English Cucumbers and plant them here instead. I will put in a trellis that can support both the dahlias and the cucumbers. Since this is the south facing side of the house, I'm going to plant my nursery bought Biance eggplant here too. They are always so yummy on the grill.
I started some big Apricot Zinnias which are great for cutting. I will plant those here after they get started. I could direct seed, but I prefer starting them in pots first.